Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Outlook, What do you see?

"The reason people find it so hard to be happy
is that they always see the past better than it was,
the present worse than it is,
and the future less resolved than it will be."
                                                                    -Marcel Pagnol-

Instead...I hope you cherish the past, live and love the present and embrace to the future. 

There is a LDS Hymn that I think says it all...
(Praise to the Lord, the Almighty pg. 72, 4th vs)

"Hast thou not seen, how all thou needest,
hath been granted...."

Its natural to think..."Life would be better if only I had"....or "Things would be better if only I could"....but if we could only realize that we already have everything we would ever need for this time in our lives, how much stronger we could be to face our adversities, how much brighter our out look on life would be and most of all...we would be HAPPY.
Blessings aren't material....step back and try to see the blessing you have so abundantly received and remember today, all that you could ever need-you have already received.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I love *SUNdays*

I look forward to Sunday -- and only because it recharges, teaches and brightens my out look on life. My Sundays can be busy, with  my hubby gone early each morning, then up on the stand during sacrament - fulfilling his bishopric duties. I'm trying to entertain and hush 4 - sometimes 5 little bodies, age 7 to 11months.

Amidst all the chatty little voices and fussy baby cries -- there was something my High Councilman said that impacted me, he said....

"The fact is, you will never have enough time to teach
your kids everything they need to know...
so wisely use the time you have been given."

I am guilty of filling my day unknowingly with tasks that eliminate precious time I should be giving to my kids.

I"m going to make a conscience effort and I encourage you as well -- no matter the age of your child/children invite them to be involved in your day, it provides opportunity for them to talk and for you to teach. Make your daily tasks (chores) fun for them as well. Their attention wont last long -- so in that brief moment take the time to hug them, laugh with them and remind them just how amazing they are and that you love them!

Now this isn't to make you feel guilty -- but I hope it encourages you, as it did me, to involve your kids more.

This last weekend my 4 year old helped can cherry pie filling and my 7 year old wanted to learn how to sew a pillowcase for her friend's birthday. Yes, I could have accomplished both of these tasks a lot faster on my own -- but doing so would have waisted away precious memories. 

Without saying a word, I could tell they truly appreciated and enjoyed the time spent together, their actions said it all.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Its a good day to cry

There is always a day when I feel...
Feeling little Self Worth
 A Failure
Over worked
Under appreciated

These are the days when I need a good cry......A chance to wash away those self destroying, critical emotions that I created for myself. Days when I'm my own worst enemy.

If only I could see myself  - everyday - the way others, and most importantly, the way my Father in Heaven sees me.... 

Full of Service
A Woman, A Wife, A Mother, A Sister, A Friend

What more could I possibly want to be??

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'll take a few bad days...

Ahhh yes...nothing like a little viral diarriah to put a mom to the test.

I have spent the last 36 hours caring for 3 sick kids. I've been cleaning vomit out of beds, off floors and soaking baby diarriah out of every article of clothing I own.....if my baby poops out of his diaper and on to me one more time....I'm not sure how together I will be come morning.

I called the Dr and they tell me...yep it sounds like viral diarriah which causes upset stomachs, its just going to have to run its course and could take up to 2 weeks (now that's just what I wanted to hear - how exciting! -- can you sense the sarcasm?)

Its moments like this when I find me having a little chat with myself...trying to keep it together.

At first I melt down.....then I get cranky, sometimes telling Heavenly Father, okay a little help here would be nice.....then I melt down again......and then finally I am reminded just how grateful I am that this is all I have to deal with when it comes to my child's health.

I'm so grateful for little bouts of sickness that keep me in check and help me to appreciate the health we have. I'm thankful my kids are home with me. I'm thankful I'm healthy enough to clean up after then and care for them.

Sometimes all it takes is a few bad days to remind us how great the good days are and how lucky we can be.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, giving me a place to vent and reflect. I hope you find something you can relate to or find through my crazy life, little reminders, that the daily tasks you do are demanding and sometimes necessary but can be very rewarding.

 I wish great health to you and your family!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stepping outside your comfort

I have some issues when it comes to camping....tent camping....with 4 little dirt....eating out of the back of my car...sharing my table with chipmunks...not bathing...and being forced to use stinky, toxic, fly infested, hole in the ground, toilets. I was a bit reluctant and honestly struggled to look forward to my 6 day camping trip in Great Basin National Park on the Utah/Nevada boarder.
For starters it was a nightmare to pack up bedding, food and clothing; cram it all into a minivan while leaving enough comfortable space for 6 breathing bodies. I'll admit it....I was annoyed and possibly not my pleasant self. :-)

But after I had vented all morning and gave a few notorious "you have to be kidding me" sighs, we were on the road. As we drove and as I watched my hubby with perma-grin, tell us about all the cool things we were going to see and do. As I listened to my kiddos squeal with excitement, I decided this week was not about me and that I would do my best to not allow my germaphobic, systematic insanity interfere with their week of fun.

I challenged myself to step outside my comfort zone and while doing so, try to relax a bit...if possible. To my surprise...I ended up having the absolute BEST time of my life! I even found myself laughing with my hubby as we soaked through while struggling to drape a tarp in dim headlamp light over our tent on the third night of down pouring rain.

It made me wonder how much unexpected joy I have already missed by being a house hermit. If I had known how much laughter and memories awaited, I would  have changed my attitude and been more adventurous years ago. I have done other camp outs, but because of my attitude I haven't enjoyed one as much as this.

How long has it been since you've stepped out of your routine and comfort?

Take a chance, change the attitude and do something out of the ordinary today!

(See more pictures of the camp trip on our family blog