Monday, May 2, 2011

Its not broken...its just me

Learn from my mistake ladies -- There is a reason moms shouldn't take on so much...things go better if we'd just slow down for 5 minutes and take a breather.
I was making dinner tonight, realized my mug of water was empty so I situated it in the fridge water spout so that it would fill my mug with out me standing there holding it -  meanwhile I grabbed the babies food out of the microwave that was beeping. I took the baby food over to the table, came back to the stove, stirred dinner, then decided to finish filling my dishwasher,tossed in the last few dishes that were in the sink, stirred dinner again, shut my dishwasher door and discovered water all over my floor. My initial reaction. "You have got to be kidding me!! My dishwasher is broken?" Then I realized, " dishwasher hasn't been running..." then I hear it, the mystical sound of flowing water, I look over in the direction of the sound and see my mug.....still stick in the fridge and the water spout working like a pro. I pulled the mug way and found my self standing in a puddle that I swear was a 1/4 an inch deep and running everywhere. I grabbed towels and went to cleaning. It took me forever to soak up all the water, in the mean time I started to burn dinner and my baby sat crying from his highchair staring at his food that was growing colder, just out of his little arms reach.

So take my advise. Don't try to do 100 things at once...when you do, something is bound to go wrong and you'll waist more time cleaning up your own messes. 
Live and learn, and learn.

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