Thursday, June 16, 2011

Consider this....

I love the scriptures!

However I struggle trying to understand exactly what Isaiah's words are all about, but I know they are important so I do my best to tread through the fog that clouds my mind while I read...hoping that I might catch something.

I know his words must hold messages I need to hear, otherwise Nephi wouldn't have been inspired to share what he felt was important from Isaiah.

Last night I read 2 Nephi 24 (which is compared to Isaiah 14)....It spoke about Lucifer's rebellion and being cast from heaven, and how he claimed he would "Exalt his throne above the stars of God...and would be like the most high." (vs 13-14)

The verse I want to share with you is 2 Nephi 24:16
(referring to Satan)

"They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee,
and shall consider thee,
and shall say:
 Is this the man that made the earth to tremble,
that did shake kingdoms?"

I think that if we could only see Satan, we would realize his is NOTHING compared to us!!

Why do we fear him?? Why do we let him defeat us??

When the day comes that we will "Narrowly" look upon him (Narrowly = barely, hardly, scarcely),
We will consider him...(Consider = to judge or think about)
and we will wonder how it was ever possible that he was the one....


1 comment:

  1. I think one reason we fear him so is because he knows our weaknesses. He doesn't have the veil like we do. We have to learn what our weaknesses our but he remembers them plain as day and can use that against us. But I love in "Jesus the Christ" where he explains about how through Christs atonement we are able to crush Satan. It helps put it all into perspective that nothing Satan throws at us is to hard to over come.
