Monday, June 27, 2011

The Mechanics of Motherhood

I've decided that my kids remind me sometimes of a dreaded trip to the mechanics....

There are days (like today) when I have to call up their dad, telling him all how exhausting my day has been. The battles, the complaining, the screaming, the pushing, the tattling, the wrestling that leads to tears even though I told them over and over and over again to stop wrestling.  
I warn him that when he gets home...I'm going to need his help to keep my sanity.

He gets home, we sit down to dinner....

LAUGHTER is all I hear

We finish eating, everyone puts their dishes away and runs downstairs to play.
I sit on the couch next to their dad, watching them....
Even the baby is entertaining himself and babbling into complete adorableness

That's when my sweet hubby looks over and says with a smile, "They are tough, huh."

Just like that leak or squeak in your car that magically goes away and can't be found by the mechanic after you drive across town and describe it to them....I've learned, some things I witness are for my eyes and ears only. 

But that's okay -- I can take it....right? After all I am a M.M.E (meanest mom ever)  

1 comment:

  1. Lol!!! Only a mother could love those who do this exact thing to her.
    It seems this is the new normal.
