Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Add this to your list of a million daily tasks :-)

One of the Greatest Commandments I feel that will bless our lives the most as a Mother, is...
"Thou Shalt Love The Lord Thy God With all Thy Heart"

The more we know God, the more we will love him. When we love him, we trust him. When we have someone to trust and rely on unconditionally we know we are never alone. And when we know, without a doubt that we never stand alone our darkest days can always be brightened.  

So your challenge this week is to give 10 minutes of your busy day to get to know him better. 
Ways to do this:
1. Believe that he exists and know that he loves you
2. Take time to study his scriptures, even a small amount of reading will improve your attitude and your day.
3. Pray often to him -- involve him in your life. 
4. Obey his commandments

Do these things and you will come to know him and you will realize he is always there to comfort and direct us. Do this and your life will be blessed!
The Comforter by Scott Sumner

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