Most likely the addiction you though of was negative....am I right?
More often than not, the word "Addiction" is looked at in a negative light.
Can there be a good addiction??
This past weekend I attended church at my parents ward. It just happened to be a homecoming of a returned missionary. At the end of her report she mentioned that she was "Addicted to the love of her Father in Heaven", she yearned to feel it every day.
I believe there can be good addictions....and that these addictions can positively effect and change your life.
Living the life of a missionary helps you to live in constant focus of the gospel principles. You are in tune to the spirit so you can receive direction during your day and you have daily personal prayer and scripture study -- you are surrounded by reminders of the love your Heavenly Father has for you.
What are we doing to receive constant reminders?
When was the last time you felt the love of your Father in Heaven?
Just as our children yearn to hear us say we love them; your spirit wants to feel that peace and happiness that comes from knowing and realizing, simply...that your Father in Heaven loves you too. In a busy and distracting world today, this can be tough.
Even on your most challenging days with your children, you love them all the same -- do you realize your Father in Heaven is more forgiving, more patient and more understanding than we'll ever be.
Most importantly, He loves you more than you can even comprehend.
Don't ever forget -- start today -- and allow yourself the time to feed the daily addiction that your spirit craves, to feel Heavenly Fathers love.