Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'll take a few bad days...

Ahhh yes...nothing like a little viral diarriah to put a mom to the test.

I have spent the last 36 hours caring for 3 sick kids. I've been cleaning vomit out of beds, off floors and soaking baby diarriah out of every article of clothing I own.....if my baby poops out of his diaper and on to me one more time....I'm not sure how together I will be come morning.

I called the Dr and they tell me...yep it sounds like viral diarriah which causes upset stomachs, its just going to have to run its course and could take up to 2 weeks (now that's just what I wanted to hear - how exciting! -- can you sense the sarcasm?)

Its moments like this when I find me having a little chat with myself...trying to keep it together.

At first I melt down.....then I get cranky, sometimes telling Heavenly Father, okay a little help here would be nice.....then I melt down again......and then finally I am reminded just how grateful I am that this is all I have to deal with when it comes to my child's health.

I'm so grateful for little bouts of sickness that keep me in check and help me to appreciate the health we have. I'm thankful my kids are home with me. I'm thankful I'm healthy enough to clean up after then and care for them.

Sometimes all it takes is a few bad days to remind us how great the good days are and how lucky we can be.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, giving me a place to vent and reflect. I hope you find something you can relate to or find through my crazy life, little reminders, that the daily tasks you do are demanding and sometimes necessary but can be very rewarding.

 I wish great health to you and your family!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no I hope it passes quickly. What a weekend for them to get sick with something like that. At least it didn't happen on your camp out. I'll keep them in my prayers so they can have fun with their cousins at my wedding. Love ya Jenn.
