I spent the afternoon with a great friend of mine. As we visited she confided in me and I in her about some issues we were facing in our own personal lives. Toward the end of our conversation she said something that spoke volumes to me...she said, "Sometimes when you are wading through mud its hard to just jump right out of it."
And that's when I realized....
There will be moments in life when we are going to end up in the mud. There will be situations that will weigh us down, slow our progression, tyring us physically and emotionally.
As we trudge though these trials, we will encounter others along our way. There will be people who will simply stand by and watch us struggle, unsure how to help without having to enter the mud themselves. Others will stand on the edge or wade in just enough to dirty their feet, then call out words of encouragement. Some might even question why we are struggling as much as we are...why it is taking us so long to get through?
Nobody can relate to the difficulty of our own personal struggles. Every one's strengths are different and everyone will push through the mud at different speeds
There will be times when our pit will appear to have no end in sight. There will be times when all we will want to do is to give up, lie down and sink.
But when we are feeling down and defeated, when others efforts aren't quite enough to help us though....those are the times when we need to call out for help,... and Christ will answer that call. Wading out without hesitation, to carry us the rest of the way.
I hope my dear friend knows just how amazing she is as a person, a friend and a mother.
Knowing her makes me a better person...and I'm grateful for that.
Thanks for sharing Jen. I too am wading through MUD hoping to get out of it soon. Hang in there. You are a great example and hope your mud will disipate soon!